December 19, 2006
Dear Missionaries:
Yes, I call you missionaries! You have answered the call to proclaim Christ’s redeeming love to the orphaned and the poor of Nicaragua.
Please know how proud I am of you for your generous spirit and for all the hard work that has gone into making this mission trip possible. More importantly, please know how proud Jesus and his blessed mother, Mary, must be of you. You have taken up your cross and are following Jesus, and although going to the dumps of Nicaragua is not quite being nailed to a cross, it will be a tremendous sacrifice you make in Jesus’ name!
Jesus told his disciples that what they did to the least of their brethren they did to him. So remember to look for the face of Jesus in everyone whom you will serve at the mission, especially the orphaned children of Mustard Seed. These children are especially beloved by God, so let them feel his love through you.
More importantly, however, that seeing the face of Jesus in the poor of Nicaragua, let the poor and the orphaned see the face of Jesus in you. Let them see in you how they are beloved by God.
Yes, I call you missionaries! “MISSI ESTIS” which from the Latin means “YOU HAVE BEEN SENT”. In the name of all the parishioners of Our Lady of the Rosary YOU HAVE BEEN SENT to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to the world!
I know that you will make us all proud.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Dear Missionaries:
Yes, I call you missionaries! You have answered the call to proclaim Christ’s redeeming love to the orphaned and the poor of Nicaragua.
Please know how proud I am of you for your generous spirit and for all the hard work that has gone into making this mission trip possible. More importantly, please know how proud Jesus and his blessed mother, Mary, must be of you. You have taken up your cross and are following Jesus, and although going to the dumps of Nicaragua is not quite being nailed to a cross, it will be a tremendous sacrifice you make in Jesus’ name!
Jesus told his disciples that what they did to the least of their brethren they did to him. So remember to look for the face of Jesus in everyone whom you will serve at the mission, especially the orphaned children of Mustard Seed. These children are especially beloved by God, so let them feel his love through you.
More importantly, however, that seeing the face of Jesus in the poor of Nicaragua, let the poor and the orphaned see the face of Jesus in you. Let them see in you how they are beloved by God.
Yes, I call you missionaries! “MISSI ESTIS” which from the Latin means “YOU HAVE BEEN SENT”. In the name of all the parishioners of Our Lady of the Rosary YOU HAVE BEEN SENT to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to the world!
I know that you will make us all proud.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Fr. Ronald B. Aubin, (a.k.a. “Papa Ron”)