Tallahassee, FL (LifeNews.com) -- Abortion advocates in Florida are upset with Governor Charlie Crist, who has selected two judges friendly to the pro-life movement for the Florida Supreme Court. Crist named conservative appellate judge Ricky Polston to the court today and former Rep. Charles Canady earlier. Polston received his law degree from Florida State University law school and was appointed in 2000 to the First District Court of Appeal. He is an elder at a local Christian church. His comments to the Miami Herald newspaper indicate his judicial philosophy is one pro-life advocates can support -- "I will not want to legislate from the bench." In September, Crist named pro-life champion Charles Canady, a Second District Court of Appeal judge, to the state Supreme Court. Canady is a former Florida congressman who was the lead sponsor of the partial-birth abortion ban and worked closely with the pro-life community.