This weekend, March 10-11, the Dominican Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucharist will be speaking at all the Masses here at Our Lady of the Rosary on vocations to the Religious Life. As you can see from the pictures, many of the women in this new order a young. I believe the average age of the community is just 26.
Over the last ten years, this community of religious women has grown from 4 memebers to 72 (and counting). Their primary apostolate is to teach in Catholic schools. Perhaps I should inquire if they'd be interested in running our new early childhood program. I don't know if they do that kind of ministry or not, but what does it hurt to ask. So I'll ask, and you pray!
I hope and pray the parishioners of OLOR will make the sisters welcome. A special thanks to Angela Martinez for agreeing to host the sisters in her home.
For information on this dynamic young community of religious women, go to their web site at: