Tuesday, January 2, 2007

DAY 3 (December 31, 2006) of Nicaraguan Mission Trip by Kathy DeSanto

My love for the youth of Our Lady of the Rosary increases daily. They have taught me so much about Jesus in their actions, smiles and perseverance. I had come to Hogar Belen with a pre printed schedule and a semi retreat format. By the second day I had to offer up the fact that I was not in control (and that´s hard to do as a youth minister). Jesus was alive and working on the hearts of our teens without me having to feel the adults had to constantly guide them or help them out. Last night was amazing. We shared as brothers and sisters in Christ and not as adults and teens. They were open and honest.

The challenge for the day was for us adults to trust the teenagers to be responsible by taking 11 disabled children to Mass in the local town, and if that wasn’t enough, we also took them to the local mall. Every single teen rose to the occasion and once again made us believe in the future of the Catholic faith. Not only where they responsible with these precious children, but they fed them with their own money (some even had ice cream for lunch) without being asked to and took them on some rides.

Proud is not powerful enough to express my feelings for not only the teens but the adult leaders as well…Speaking of the adults, oh boy! They are going to need a chiropractor awaiting at TIA!!
