Monday, January 15, 2007

'Multiple' Reasons to Uphold Life

The following comes from the Family Research Council at

"In the days leading up to the March for Life, a new National Geographic
documentary is a vivid reminder of what--and who--we are rallying for. The special, titled "In the Womb: Multiples," captures 4D footage of twins, triplets, and quads from the moment of conception to birth. With revolutionary imaging, viewers can watch these tiny children interacting with their siblings and developing traits like touching, fighting, and game-playing that continue even after the babies are born. While the anti-life industry decries them as "blobs of tissues" this film is full of compelling evidence to the contrary.

Meanwhile, the mounting proof of the personhood of the unborn seems lost on the new Attorney General of Kansas. In one of his first official acts, Paul Morrison, the successor to Phill Kline, fired the special prosecutor hired to investigate abortion doctor George Tiller. During his term, Kline estimated that Tiller had illegally performed as many as 15 late-term abortions. Those critical of Morrison claim that he has political ties to an abortion rights group in Kansas, which makes the move all the more questionable since he terminated the prosecutor for lacking "neutrality" on the issue. Of course, no one should be neutral on the issue of late-term abortions since they violate Kansas law and human decency. As prosecutor, Don McKinney was simply doing his job.

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